Seven-year-old Sol, is spending the day at her grandfather's home, for a surprise party for Sol's father, Tonatiuh. As daylight fades, Sol comes to understand that her world is about to change dramatically.
Totem is the International Feature submission for Mexico. A totem pole typically features symbolic and stylized human, animal and supernatural forms. They are primarily visual representations of kinship, depicting family crests and clan membership. A totem is a spirit being, a sacred object, an emblem of a group of people, such as a family and friends. Like a painting, a totem is something that will forever be present, it will never fade away, or disappear. And it’ll remain here on Earth long after we pass away.
The film is about Sol, a seven year old girl, who is headed to a birthday party for her dad, Tona, who’s extremely frail and ill. Today is his 27th birthday and, despite his reluctance, all of his family and friends are coming together to what might be his final celebration of life. On the morning of the gathering, Sol’s theatrical-performer mother drops her off at the family home where Tona is in the care of his sisters Nuri and Alejandra. His father, Roberto, also lives in the house, along with Tona’s nurse Cruz.
Cancer seems to run in this family as Roberto’s wife died of the disease several years earlier and now Tona is about to have a similar fate. Roberto is also suffering with his health as he now must speak in short bursts with the help of a battery-operated electrolarynx located on his neck. Despite all of these setbacks, the large family is preparing all the duties for the party, like baking the perfect cake, clipping at a bonsai tree, dyeing one’s hair, and even bringing in a ludicrous psychic, trying to get rid of all the harmful spirits that are ever present in this home like hospital. While all of this chaos is ensuing, Tona is locked away in his room preferring to be away from everyone as he’s embarrassed to be seen. Sol though doesn’t want any of this, she just wants to be with her dad.
Sometimes one event, one day, can force a girl to grow up. It’s that simple realization that however close one is with their family, with their friends, with their bonds of affection with others, one will always be alone. One can be in a room filled with the clattering and the cheering and the energy of a family united, yet one can feel completely on their own. It’s like a held breath. It’s like becoming fully aware that not all wishes come true. And that everyone’s time on Earth is short lived.
In a blink of an eye there it goes. From gruesome car wrecks, to terminal cancer, to meager errors taking one's breath. What stays behind are the memories of a loved one gone too soon, wrapped up forever in a totem pole or a painting.