In front of the waves of the Panamanian Pacific in the town of El Higo, a woman walks and tells the story lived by the Panamanian Tito Arias and Margot Fonteyn, the most acclaimed dancer in the world and incomparable ballet figure.
Tito, Margot and Me is the International Feature submission for Panama. This documentary is about the endless love story between two historical figures in Roberto Emilio Arias and Margot Fonteyn. Roberto, known as Tito, was a Panamanian international lawyer, diplomat and journalist. He was from a prominent Panamanian political family, whose members had reached the Presidency four times, amongst them his father Harmodio Arias. Margot Fonteyn was, at the time, the most famous ballerina in the world. Born in England, she spent her entire career as a dancer with the Royal Ballet. This documentary is their story.
In 1937, Margot first met Tito at the University of Cambridge, where he was an 18 year old law student. Fonteyn became enamoured with Arias immediately, but they continued with their own lives after that week together. They re-met again in 1953, when he surprised her with a visit to her dressing room after a performance. Although he already had a wife and three children, he immediately asked for a divorce. In 1955, they both got married. They remained together until the death of Tito in 1989. Margot passed away in 1991, and was buried in Panama.
This documentary provides intricate personal details of their lives, their relationship, the good times and the bad times, and the love that they had for one another. The film doesn’t shy away from controversies, from implied affairs, from politics, from a shooting that left Tito as a quadriplegic, from the complicated lives that these two well known individuals had. But as the saying goes, a perfect love that is never wrong, that does not make mistakes, does not exist.
Despite being in the public eye for their entire lives, Tito, Margot and Me clearly showcases the special love that they had for one another. A rare love that is hard to find. It is really hard to find someone you really, really love and that you want to spend your life with and all that hard work that goes along with being married. They were one of those lucky ones. It makes you sit back and take a look at your own relationship, and the relationship that you have with your family and friends.
One does not pick the place where one is born, but one can certainly choose where to die