Boss, a high end club owner living in New York, who receives a call from his friend in Thailand, Aood, revealing he is in the last stages of terminal cancer.
One For the Road is the latest International Feature submission from Thailand. The film is a touching road trip between two old friends, reunited again after a bitter disagreement a few years back derailed their friendship.
The film starts out with Boss running a bar in Manhattan. One late evening he receives a phone call from his former best friend Aood. Boss finds out that Aood has leukaemia and only has a few more months to live. He desperately wants Boss to return back to Bangkok as a dying wish.
Boss hasn’t been back to Thailand in over ten years, but he decides to make the journey across the world to see his former best friend. Their plans back in New York, as former roommates and best friends, was to open up their own bar, but Aood’s former girlfriend convinced Aood to head back to Bangkok with her to open up a dance studio.
As Aood wasn’t there for his dad’s funeral and never got to say goodbye, now that he has terminal cancer, he wants to get this last opportunity to say farewell to the few people that meant the most to him during his short life. And thus begins their road trip from Bangkok to Korat, to Chiang Mai to Pattaya.
Director Nattawut Poonpiriya has created a touching, heartbreaking film about life, repentance, mortality and death. We meet at some point. We get to know each other, bond with each other. Than we part. We all love. We all fight. We all forgive. And we all die. This is life.
One For the Road is a thoughtful film about closures, and the necessity to have them for one’s on piece of mind. It’s a film about living life to the fullest, while you still can. It’s a film about dreaming far and flying high. It’s a film about getting second chances. And it’s about having one last drink before heading home, wherever that may be.