A container truck driver, Hung, lives an idyllic life with his little daughter, An. Life goes on like that until An has to leave her father to go to school. She ends up being kidnapped by a male stranger.
578: Shot of a Madman is the latest International Feature submission from Vietnam. Director Dung Luong Dinh has created a larger than life action packed film involving a father wanting nothing more than revenge against the men responsible for kidnapping his child.
Hung is a container truck driver, who has a daughter, An. Since he’s on the road all the time, they both live inside his truck as he works non-stop supporting the two of them. When An has to begin school, Hung enlists her in a boarding house where he’ll get to see her once every ten days. Unfortunately, An begins to suffer from depression and escapes the school in search for her father. On her journey, she meets the wrong person and is kidnapped.
A couple of days later, Hung finds out that his daughter is missing and his search begins. This film is a non-stop, fight after fight, battle after battle explosion of rages between Hung and the men who kidnapped his daughter. While shot spectacularly well, 578: Shot of a Madman begins to get redundant as the film loses any little plot it once had and it becomes nothing more than a generic tough guy film escaping an army of men who’re unable to kill one man. If these mafia men were smart enough to bring a gun to take down Hung, the film could’ve ended an hour sooner. Instead it’s a battle of fists and zero character development as the film whimpers to a predictable ending.